Diagnosing Lung Cancer in Good Time

In Switzerland more than ten people develop lung cancer every day, i.e. 3,800 each year. Nearly everyone dies of this disease; if a patient is found to have developed lung cancer in Switzerland today, the patient only has a 15 % chance of being cured. Today, in most cases, lung cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage – far too late for any effective therapeutic measures. Lung cancer, in fact, is the form of cancer that most people die of in Switzerland.

This does not have to be the case. There is a scientifically approved method that can clearly reduce deaths from lung cancer. Whoever as a smoker, ex-smoker or non-smoker belongs to a risk-group, can undergo a lung-cancer test with low-dose computed tomographic screening (CT). This CT screening enables most of the sources of lung cancer to be detected at a very early stage and thus at a stage where it can be cured. There is no other method existing today for diagnosing lung cancer reliably, in good time and systematically.

In order to reduce the high, lung-cancer mortality rate, the non-profit Foundation for Pulmonary Diagnostics runs the National Programme for Early Lung-Cancer Diagnosis.

In this programme the Foundation for Pulmonary Diagnostics offers those who belong to a risk-group the possibility of having themselves tested simply, quickly and at low cost with low-dose computed tomographic screening (CT). They are subsequently told at the earliest stage possible – that still enables a successful course of treatment to be given – whether they have lung cancer. They are then recommended a course of treatment.

If you think that you belong to a risk-group, you can subscribe here. We shall also be pleased to answer all your questions about the programme for early, lung-cancer diagnosis.

Do you belong to a risk group?

You belong to a risk group if one or more of the following points apply:

• You are at least 50 years old and a smoker or have been an ex-smoker for less than 15 years, and you have smoked for at least 20 years.
• You are at least 50 years old and have two or more first-degree relatives with lung cancer.
• You have a disease such as COPD or have had lung cancer that is considered cured.
• You are at least 50 years old and have had cancer of the nose or throat.
• You are at least 50 years old and have been regularly exposed to carcinogenic substances such as passive smoking, diesel, asbestos or radon for a long time.

If one or more of the above points apply, we recommend an examination: Telephone 044 384 84 84, Monday to Friday, 1000-1200 and 1400-1600 hours. Or request a callback, also by SMS: 079 464 62 23.


«Reduced Lung-Cancer Mortality with Low-Dose Computed Tomographic Screening», published in «The New England Journal of Medicine», 4th August, 2011, Vol. 365, No. 5

«Survival of Patients with Stage I Lung Cancer Detected on CT Screening», published in «The New England Journal of Medicine», 26th October 2006, Vol. 355, No. 17